pour forth

英 美
  • 流出; 倾泻而出; 使 ... 流出
  • poudrette n.(脱臭干粪、木炭、石膏等搀和而成的)混合肥料
  • pouf n.厚坐垫;衣服打褶膨起的部分;高发髻;男性同性恋者=pouffe.
  • poughite n.[矿]碲铁矾
  • poulard n.肉用母鸡;阉小母鸡
  • poult n.幼禽
  1. pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities;

    "shed tears"
    "spill blood"
    "God shed His grace on Thee"

    1. Water sprang forth from his fingers from which a whole army drank and made ablution.
    2. Pollutants from industrial sources may pour out from the outfall pipes of factories or may leak from pipelines and underground storage tanks.
    3. Water sprang forth from his fingers from which a whole army drank and made ablution.
    4. Pollutants from industrial sources may pour out from the outfall pipes of factories or may leak from pipelines and underground storage tanks.

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